Thursday, October 1, 2009


Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to our 10 year high school reunion. I hope you all had as much fun as I did & enjoyed getting to catch up with old friends. Please feel free to send any pictures you may have taken at the reunion to or add them to our facebook group.

If you would like to see the pictures of the slideshow that played during the reunion, please click here. Sorry but the music won't play on this link.

Thanks again to everyone that made it to the reunion & we hope to see you at the next one!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dinner Payment for Our Reunion

We are looking forward to seeing you for our reunion on Saturday, September 26, 2009. The cost for the evening will be $20 for individuals and $40 for couples. This fee covers your dinner, dessert and helps offset the room rental charge. A cash bar will be available. In order to reserve your spot for the reunion dinner, you will need to pay on or before September 15th. It is very important that we have an accurate head count for dinner by this date. Please RSVP to the Evite and pay as soon as possible. Payment for the evening can be made via PayPal on this blog or send check/money order following the instructions below.

For Payment via PayPal:

Very Important: Please include your name (maiden, if applicable) in the "Add special instructions to the seller" section once you're taken to the PayPal link so we know exactly who is paying.

Reservation for Reunion & Dinner

For Payment via Check/Money Order:

If you prefer you can also send a check or money order for the appropriate amount to Joseph Thomas, our class treasurer, at the following address. Please make checks payable to "OHS Class of 1999".

Joseph Thomas
2114 North 68th Street
Kansas City, KS 66109

If you choose to send a check please send us an e-mail at to let us know your check is in the mail if you'll be admitting payment in that way. Also make sure to include your maiden name for easy identification if applicable.


Emilee, Tanner, Joseph, & Jackie

Sunday, August 9, 2009

RSVP, Info, & Pictures

Hello fellow 99er’s!

The planning is coming along great and we hope you are planning to join us on Saturday, September 26th at 6:00pm. We have 2 REQUESTS for you before the reunion…..

We realize the reunion evening will be busy and you probably will not be able to catch up with everyone in great detail. We are putting together a biographical booklet that we will provide a copy of to everyone that evening. In doing so, we need to gather some/all of the below information from you. Even if you are unable to attend the reunion, we would still like you to provide your information! Please reply back to this e-mail with your information by or before August 18th, so that we have plenty of time to put this booklet together.

We are also putting together a slideshow to show the evening of the reunion. So, WE NEED PICTURES!! They can be pictures from your days in HS or even a current one of you, your family, significant other etc. Please send 2-3 pictures scanned to If you don’t have the ability to scan in your pictures, please send an e-mail to and let us know. We can then give you an address to send your pictures to. Thanks for your help with this!!!

Let us know if you have any questions! See you in September!

Biographical information request:

Current city & state:

E-mail and/or phone number (that you don’t mind us sharing with the class):

Current job:

Family/kids etc.:

What have you been doing the last 10 years?

Favorite memory from HS:

Friday, February 27, 2009

Save the Date

Attention Class of 1999...Please save the date for our 10 year high school reunion.

We are planning on meeting Saturday evening, September 26, 2009 at Driver's Sports Cafe located at 222 East Logan, Ottawa, Kansas. We will announce the exact time later.

Please RSVP as soon as possible so we know how many people to expect. Also, please send us your contact information and let other classmates know about the event too.

Stay tuned for updates. Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Class of 1999

Welcome Ottawa High School class of 1999 alumni! This site is for networking and coordinating for our class reunion. The 10 year class reunion is in the works and information will be posted as soon as possible. Until then, please let us know what your contact information is so that we can spread the word out. Please pass this blog address out to other classmates. We also have a group on Facebook that you can join if you're interested. You can check the group out at Ottawa High School Class of 1999.